Contact Us
Greetings from Fanzz! We understand that you may feel surprised to find an article about yourself on our website. We are delighted to assist creators in promoting their profiles through our platform, without imposing any additional effort on your part.
As pioneers in the industry, we receive messages from creators who show their appreciation for the articles on our website, and we assure you of our continuous assistance while taking steps to avoid any harm.
We receive a few messages every week from creators who have DMCA claims. Thus, we would like to take this opportunity to address this matter directly and clear a few points:
We do not copy, download, or store any media (such as images and videos) on our servers. We respect all creators' intellectual property rights and refrain from unauthorized use.
We clearly state on our website that we do not claim ownership of any media uploaded by creators. Instead, we provide full credits to creators for their content.
Fanzz only directly links all your media to domain, where it is stored in its original format created by you.
Please note that all images of creators on our site are publicly visible to anyone visiting
We do not allow anyone to upload any content that may infringe on creators' rights (such as leaks) and take strict action against the same.
We highly discourage any unauthorized leaks of creators' content.
Our approach is similar to that of Google Images, as Google only provides links and does not store or reproduce any images on their servers.
Linking, embedding, and framing images are legal practices that we support in accordance with applicable laws.
We understand and fully respect your decision if you prefer not to be featured on our website. Kindly write to us at [email protected], and we shall ensure the permanent deletion of your profile from Fanzz.
We are always here to help and address any concerns that you may have. Please feel free to write to us at [email protected].
Fanzz Team